2017 - The Year of the Bike

For Christmas 2016 Eli got a bike, so in January 2017 he started learning to ride. The bike he got for Christmas was too big for him and really heavy, not ideal for learning. Our friends had a smaller bike, the same size as the balance bike he had been using, that they let us borrow. For the first few months of the year, when nice weather is hard to come by, we spent most nice days out with Eli riding the bike and me walking behind. He got the hang of it really quickly and after just a few outings he was riding well. Since he was learning how to ride in late January, the weather was an issue and it continued to be an issue all throughout spring. We would try to hit the short windows of opportunity between rain and most of the time it worked out but sometimes we got wet and occasionally we got soaked. They were fun outings though.

Earlier in the day there was an inch or two of snow on the ground but by the afternoon it had all melted. It was so fun to play in the snow in the morning and go for a ride/walk in the afternoon. 

Learning to ride a bike in January and February can be tricky. He crashed shortly after this photo was taken. 

One of the days we got stuck in the rain. I'm not sure the picture does justice to how wet we actually were. We were both soaked, although Eli's helmet kept his hair pretty dry. 

On a different day we took refuge from a brief downpour in a short section of pipe that was 4 or 5 ft in diameter.  Not sure what the pipe was going to be used for, but it kept us dry! Notice how most of the sky is blue? It was blue all around us but one, very dark cloud went right over the top of us. We were lucky that the section of pipe was right off the path for us to take cover in. 

Hanging out in the pipe for a few minutes until the rain stopped. 

Sometime in late summer of 2017 Eli switched from the smaller bike we borrowed, to the bigger bike he got for Christmas. It was so fun to see how quickly he progressed from one stage to the next. I tried uploading some videos of him learning to ride, but our internet is not up to the task so these pictures will have to do.


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