3rd Birthday

Early in March we had a birthday party for Eli. We had it a few weeks early because my parents and sister were in town and he wanted to have them at his party. His party was crazy and loud and he had a fantastic time. He has 11 first cousins and 10 of them were able to be there. He really loves his cousins.

Getting a picture with everyone smiling proved to be impossible, but this was the whole motley crew (minus my sister who was taking the picture)

Grandma and Grandpa

Cousin Alice

Opening presents!

He loved all his presents


I still can't believe our baby is three. How does time go by so quickly? Happy birthday little man. We love you to the farthest moon and back.


  1. He's such a cutie! So glad we could be there to help him celebrate the big 3! :)


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