That's right, Eli turned one on Sunday. We celebrated a few days early and it was quite the party! There were two grandparents, two parents, two aunts, two uncles, seven cousins, and one birthday boy. It was noisy and fun and Eli seemed to have a great time showing off the new house to his cousins.

Since he was born he has grown 11 inches and gained 14 pounds. He sure is getting big! It is difficult to believe that it's been a year since he joined our family. Life has certainly changed but it's been a change for the better. We love this boy more than anything and are looking forward to the years to come.

Mmm, pizza! 

Opening presents with some help from cousins 

Showing off for the grown-ups 

Yes, the frosting is pink. I didn't think about strawberry frosting turning pink and by the time I realized it, we were past the point of no return. Luckily I got this mistake out of the way before he is old enough to care. 

 Trying the frosting.

Family photo after the party 

These are pictures we took on his birthday. His first haircut was the night before so he is sporting a brand new hairdo.

Happy Birthday Eli! Love you, little man!


  1. We love him more than words can ever express!! Thanks for being such great parents, we are truly blessed :)

  2. I love that you are close to family and cousins. It's such a great blessing! I hope they wil all be lifelong friends and mentors. I wish I could have done that for my children.


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