Bridge Troll

Seattle has a bridge troll. He is big and ugly and dirty. So naturally, we went to see him.

Freemont Troll

The car in his hand is real. It's a VW bug.

L to R: The Pants, Becky, Naomi, Ashley, Hannah, Rachel

Josh's mom, Becky, came to town last week and we decided to take her to see some Seattle landmarks. The first stop was the Freemont Troll. After the troll we had a picnic at Gas Works Park. For dessert we headed to Molly Moon's Ice Cream, which is apparently a big deal here. I had a single scoop of salted caramel ice cream and I felt like it was a salt lick on a sugar cone. Everyone else had more standard flavors and they seemed to be good. The ice cream shop ended our day of tourism and a fun and interesting day in Seattle.

It was great to spend some time with Josh's mom. We loved having her here and hope it isn't too long before we get to see her and the rest of our California family again.


  1. A great day indeed!!
    Loved the visit, even the dirty troll :)
    Why are we so far apart?


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