California Dreamin'

A few weeks ago Josh and I packed our bags and left Seattle in search of some sun in Southern California. We actually went to spend time with Josh's family but the sunshine was a fantastic perk. We arrived late on Friday night (thanks to a 2 hour delay at the airport) and early Saturday morning the boys headed out to go quail hunting. They didn't end up getting anything but I'm sure they had a good time.

After they got home Josh, Jereme, Christy, and I went to the beach. You will notice that most of the pictures in this post are from that afternoon. I don't now what it is about the ocean at sunset but the lure to take pictures is hard to resist.

Ocean (and me, but mostly the ocean)

Flying a kite. It's not as far away as it looks, the kite is just very small
 I was moving back and forth to get my feet buried in the sand and Josh started telling me to hold still. I had no idea why or for how long so I just stood there looking down feeling ridiculous. The picture turned out cool though.


Josh took this one and I really like it

More of the Pants


Jereme and Christy had to leave Monday morning to take care of some potential (hopefully) job stuff in Virginia so we wanted to spend as much time with them as we could before they left. It was really nice to spend time with them and to get to know Christy a little better.

After the beach we came home to some delicious gumbo. I don't know what it is about family and food but they seem to go together nicely. While in LA we had gumbo, Ã±oquis, empanadas, New Mexico enchiladas, churros, IN-N-OUT, El Paso chips and salsa, whipped pineapple ice cream, and a smoked turkey leg. I love food.

On Sunday we headed to church. It was really fun to see people we hadn't seen in a few years. And by complete chance one of Josh's good friends, Seth, happened to be visiting that day too. We haven't seen him for a long time and it was really great to see him even if it was for just a little while.

Sunday night Becky made New Mexico Enchiladas. For the two people that read this that aren't part of Josh's family, you have to know that this is a big deal. There are always extra family and friends around for New Mexico Enchiladas and it makes for a really fun night. I must say that they are not my favorite thing to eat (red enchilada sauce and I have never been friends) but almost everyone else in the family LOVES them and I am more than happy to be a part of it and help keep the tradition alive.

Monday was Disneyland day. I love Disneyland. And I really love Disneyland when it is not peak season. Shane, Becky, and Lauren were kind enough to skip work so they could come with us and we had a marvelous time. We had an elevator all to ourselves on Tower of Terror, saw the new World of Color show, and walked our feet off. It was delightful.

Just inside the gates at Disneyland

At California Adventure waiting for World of Color to begin

Tuesday and Wednesday were a little more laid back but just a fun. I met a friend for lunch, Josh and I rode a tandem bike on the beach, a girl chat with Lauren (as you may have guessed, Josh was not a part of that), and more food. 

It was a really awesome trip. Thanks family for the fun! Hopefully it won't be too long until we get to see you all again. 

P.S. The day after we got back Josh started his new job at Getty Images! We are really excited for this new opportunity and feel really blessed that he found this job so quickly.


  1. Yeah for family, food and sunshine!!
    Thanks for being a good sport about the Enchiladas:) Extra special thanks for the noquis and gumbo. We really enjoyed your visit!

  2. I second Mom's post!

    It was so great to see you guys and I can't thank Karissa enough for the girl chat. I needed it more than I thought I ever would!


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