Holidays and Snow Days

As I am sure you are all aware, Christmas just happened. We have no pictures. So this will be an interactive post that requires you to use your imagination. This was our first Christmas in our own place. It was kind of weird on Christmas morning with just the two of us, but it was also really nice. We woke up early so we could be done with our Christmas before heading to Lynn and Angie's to watch their kids open presents. After Lynn and Angie's we went to church. After church we went to Dan and Ashley's for Christmas dinner.  It was fun to be able to do our own thing and get to spend time with family. A wonderful day. 

As nice as it was though, it was tinted a little gray. On Christmas Eve my Grandfather passed away. This meant an unplanned trip to Emmett for his funeral. As much as I will miss him, it made me realize that I have an incredible family. There is so much faith and love. I am truly blessed to be a part of such an wonderful family. 

We were in Emmett to ring in the new year, although it was a pretty uneventful night. At 11:59 Josh pointed out to everyone (I was reading, my dad and brother were playing video games, and I don't know where everyone else was) that we were 1 minute to 2012. We turned the tv to some fireworks and watched them for 3 minutes or less. I think we were in bed by 12:20am. Like I said, not very exciting. The rest of the trip was a little more eventful with lots of family, food, and volleyball. 

After we returned home we had two weeks that were kind of normal, and then "Snowmageddon" or "The Snowpocalypse" (depending on which news channel you watch) hit. Some places were reporting 12-16 inches of snow although where we are had closer to 6-7. Monday and Tuesday were pretty normal. Wednesday I went into work but there were only two of us so I left after about 2 hours. Thursday 3 of us made it in and worked almost a full day although we did leave early. (Josh drove me to work both days. What a good husband...) Thursday afternoon we heard from Josh's sister, Ashley, and their power had been out since before 8am that morning. She was wondering if  they (husband and 3 kids) could stay with us until their power came back on. So we had a sleepover. We sure love the Masons and it was fun to have them stay with us for a day!  

In the snow by our apt.

My snow angel :)

The snow is mostly gone now, but is was fun to have it around for a few days.


  1. It sure was fun having a sleep-over! Thanks again! We were so glad to be warm. Cute picture of you guys. :)

  2. Sorry about the sad. Yay for the good. Love the snow and love you.


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