Bad News

Bad news part 1: Well, the past month has been an interesting one. We found out a few months ago that my grandfather (Mom's Dad) had cancer, but just a few weeks ago we heard that the cancer had spread and that he has only a few month left. When we got the news my brother, sister-in-law, sister, and I all headed to Idaho for a visit.

Despite the pain that I am certain he is feeling he was in good spirits and positive. He is an extraordinary man and grandfather. I am so grateful for his example and love. Josh and I will be going to visit again for Thanksgiving and I am excited to have the opportunity to spend more time with him. One fun fact about my grandparents: They have 10 children and 50 (yes five-zero) grandchildren. And what is even more incredible, and what speaks the most to their merit, is that for the everyone gets along. When 60 people are involved it is pretty impressive that there aren't any family feuds or fallings out. I love my family!

Grandpa and Grandma Walker with the Mendenhall grandkids

Bad news part 2: We found out last week that Josh is being let go and will no longer have a job starting December 1st. Two weeks ago (while I was in Idaho visiting my grandpa) the CEO of the company sent out an email saying that as a company they "underperformed in all channels and revenues were at a record low." Not something you want to hear. Anyway, they are making some serious cuts to try to same money. Out of the three people in Josh's department, he was the one to get ax. While this sucks, for now I am a little bit glad. (I many change that sentiment if it takes him a long time to find another job) He hated this job. He liked the people he worked with, but hated the job itself and I am not sad to see that chapter of our lives closing. Here's hoping that the next chapter begins with him finding a new and better job.

Despite it all we are doing ok. We like each other, I have a job, and we have hope that new opportunities will be coming our way soon.


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