
Josh and I have been married for 5 years, but since the blog has just begun I thought we would start from the beginning.

We met August 29th, 2005 playing volleyball at BYU-Idaho. It was the first day of the semester and we were both dating other people. One month later we were both single and going on our first date. After that we saw each other every day until Thanksgiving break. On January 26th he asked me to marry him and I said, 'Yes!'

7 months and 5 days after our first date we were married for time and all eternity in the Boise, Idaho temple.

It has been five years and a lot has happened. We have lived in 3 different states and 6 different cities. We have had a total of 8 jobs. We have lost 3 grandparents and 1 brother and we have gained 1 nephew, 4 nieces, and one sister-in-law. There has been lots of life and lots of love.

There you have it. Five years in one blog post. Let's hope it isn't five more years before there is another. :)


  1. Words can never express how much we love you both and how blessed we are to have you join our family! I wish Seattle wasn't so far away...


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