A Canadian Christmas
Before Christmas there was the annual trip into the woods to find our tree and play in the snow. Finding snow was easy but the trees were elusive. Last year we found a spot that had some nice trees and we were hoping to go back to the same area. However, the snow was much deeper this year and there were trucks stuck all along the road, which made it impassible. I'm not certain we would have made all the way in our Subaru even if other vehicles weren't blocking the road, but it would have been fun to try. Outings like this make me miss Idaho. There are probably places in eastern Washington that aren't so busy, but this close to Seattle even the forests are crowded. So rather than find a tree we found a spot to play in the snow, enjoyed our traditional lunch of chili and hot chocolate, and then went to a tree farm for a tree. I will say, it was the prettiest tree we have ever had so it wasn't all bad. We will give the mountain another try this year. Eating the snow....