4 Months Old
Eli is 4 months old today. He is 27" long (97th percentile) and weighs 16 lbs 1 oz (80th percentile). Hard to believe that in four months he gained over 7 pounds and grown 7 inches. Since most of the pictures I take of Eli are on my phone and are rarely viewed by anyone other than myself, I thought I would share some of them to commemorate 4 months of baby life. (Thanks to Josh for showing me how to get the pictures from my phone to the computer) The pictures are in backward chronological order, so he gets younger as they progress. Face Time Mmm, delicious! Big smiles Trying to sit up, but not doing so well Stern face With his great uncle David Picnic with daddy Starting to get better at tummy time! Handsome boys Late night smiles First stroller ride without his carseat. Taking a walk in the baby carrier and sporting his hat for the first time. The shirt says it all! Eli is the first nephew on Josh's side o...